Minggu, 12 Desember 2010

Narnia at the Box Office

Rakta Charitra 2 Movie Online - Narnia-The third film had triumphed at the box office last weekend, although the film should start with a weaker position compared with other film debut, The Tourist, starring Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie.

Rakta Charitra 2 - Fox's adventure-fantasy film, the Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn, an estimated 24.1 million U.S. dollars pocketed from the sale of tickets in theaters in Canada and the United States during the three day weekend. The movie is just pocketed 8.2 million dollars during the premiere on 6,500 screens in 3555 locations, the sluggish performance compared to the movies Sony / Columbia The Tourist - which earned 6.1 million dollars in 3400 as many screens in 2756 locations.

Nevertheless, because of the news by word of mouth, the last Narnia movie shows continued strong performance and eventually rose to the top of the box office.

Narnia is the latest adaptation of CS Lewis's epic fantasy series and is the first movie, released in 3D - in digital 3D and 3D Real format. The film tells the story of how two young Pevensies and their cousin Eustace Scrubb join the King of Narnia, a new, Caspian, in an effort to rescue the seven kings who lost to save Narnia from the evil that inhabited the island corrupt dark.

Kamis, 04 November 2010

Brad Pitt Will Lift Story "Cogans Trade

Soy tu Dueña Capitulo 143 - Hollywood actor Brad Pitt reportedly is preparing a project in which he himself would take part membintanginya.

Soy tu Dueña  - Site Deadline.com reported through his film company, Plan B, Brad Piit negotiating with Chockstone and Inferno to produce films together Cogan's Trade.

Angelina Jolie's lover, in addition to acting as producer, she also will play.

Cogan's Trade is a comedy film which tells the story of criminal law enforcement Jackie Cogan. He was investigating a robbery that occurred simultaneously with a main game of poker with the mafia protection.

Directed by Andrew Dominik, who directed Pitt in the film The assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, already was asked to for directing the film.

A number of well-known name stars will also take part. They are Sam Rockwell and Casey Affleck, Mark Ruffalo and Javier Bardem.

To date not yet certain when the production process this film will take place.

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

Jump Nintendo 3DS Shines

Shinee in Indonesia - Nintendo has confirmed 3DS launch date which falls on February 26, 2011. Priced at Rp 2.6 million predicted would make the console sold over 4 million units in its first month.

Situs Game Online Terbaru - It was announced by Nintendo on the basis of the experience they released a few console games before. According to sales data reported by Edge gaming site, sales of Nintendo DS - consoles before 3DS - penetrating up to 23.5 million units a year.

So it is not impossible Nintendo's latest console, 3DS, will reap a better success. Moreover, the console comes with a series of new features is quite tempting, such as the ability to display 3-dimensional image.

Rabu, 22 September 2010


Games.Co.id - Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono meminta para atlet nasional bersemangat, bertekad, dan berkomitmen untuk meraih prestasi terbaik sehingga menjadi juara umum pada SEA Games 2011 di Indonesia.

Games - Dalam pidato pada Hari Olahraga Nasiona XXVIII di Gedung Tenis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta, Selasa, Presiden juga meminta semua pihak yang bertanggung jawab melatih atlet-atlet nasional untuk melakukan tugas sebaik-baiknya.

“November tahun depan kita akan menjadi tuan rumah satu perhelatan olahraga yang kita nantikan yaitu SEA Games 2011. Mari kita sukseskan Sea Games yang akan dilaksanakan di negeri kita. Mari kita capai prestasi terbaik. Saya harap saudara punya tekad, semangat dan komitmen untuk meraih prestasi terbaik atau menjadi juara umum dalam SEA Games mendatang,” tuturnya.

Presiden mengingatkan telah mengeluarkan Keputusan Presiden No 22 Tahun 2010 tentang Program Indonesia Emas atau Prima.

“Oleh karena itu saya meminta semua yang bertanggung jawab dan melaksanakan Keppres itu untuk terus mempersiapkan, mendidik, dan melatih atlet-atlet nasional andalan kita,” ujarnya.

Dengan program pembinaan intensif itu, Presiden berharap atlet-atlet Indonesia dapat berprestasi setinggi-tingginya.

Selain prestasi juara umum, Kepala Negara juga berharap penyelenggaraan SEA Games 2011 dapat terlaksana dengan baik sehingga semua kontingen negara-negara sahabat memiliki kesan yang baik tentang Indonesia.
“Saya minta kerja keras dan persiapan terbaik dari Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga, Ketua Umum KONI, Gubernur DKI Jakarta, dan Gubernur Sumatera Selatan, dan pengurus induk cabang-cabang olahraga,” ujarnya.

Presiden juga meminta bantuan badan usaha milik ngara dan swasta untuk keberhasilan SEA Games 2011, termasuk persiapan atlet-atlet nasional.

Dalam acara Hari Olahraga Nasional XXVIII dilakukan penandatangan kerja sama 39 pengurus cabang induk olahraga dengan 59 BUMN yang diwakili Bank Rakyat Indonesia untuk cabang olahraga karate, Garuda Indonesia untuk tenis lapangan, Bank Negara Indonesia untuk bola voli, Perum Bulog untuk sepak takraw, Bank Mandiri untuk atletik, dan Adhi Karya serta Wijaya Karya untuk gulat.

Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga Andi Mallarangeng mengatakan program satu BUMN untuk satu cabang olahraga dimaksudkan melibatkan BUMN dalam pembinaan atlet-atlet nasional.

Dengan kerja sama itu, menurut dia, para atlet juga memiliki peluang untuk menjadi pegawai BUMN sehingga masa depannya terjamin.

Pada peringatan Hari Olahraga XXVIII yang dipenuhi hiburan tarian dan nyanyian dengan dekorasi ruang bernuansa merah, putih, dan biru, itu juga diberikan penghargaan oleh Menpora kepada tokoh-tokoh berjasa dalam pengembangan olah raga nasional di antaranya adalah mantan Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga Adhyaksa Dault, dokter olahraga Ari Sutopo, dan wartawan senior Ian Situmorang.

Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono meminta pihak yang bertanggung jawab terhadap pesepakbolaan nasional untuk segera membangkitkan cabang olah raga favorit itu agar masyarakat tidak kecewa akibat menunggu terlalu lama.

Dalam pidatonya pada peringatan Hari Olahraga ke-26 di Gedung Tenis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta, Selasa, Presiden mengingatkan Kongres Sepak Bola Nasional telah dilaksanakan pada Maret 2010 dan harus ada hasilnya.
“Saya ingatkan untuk kita benar-benar bisa membangkitkan sepak bola di negeri kita. Kongres Nasional Sepak Bola sudah kita laksanakan di Malang. Pertanyaannya, menunggu apa lagi?” ujarnya.

Kongres Sepak Bola Nasional pada Maret 2010 menghasilkan tujuh rekomendasi di antaranya adalah Persatuan Sepak bola Seluruh Indonesia (PSSI) segera melakukan reformasi dan restrukturisasi, serta perlu meningkatkan komunikasi, koordinasi, dan sinkronisasi dengan seluruh ‘stakeholder’, terutama Komite Olah Raga Nasional Indonesia (KONI).

“Jangan biarkan rakyat kita menunggu terlalu lama akhirnya mereka kecewa pada pesepakbolaan di negeri kita sendiri,” ujarnya.

Dalam pidatonya, Presiden mengucapkan terima kasih kepada jajaran Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) dan Polri yang saat ini memiliki program khusus untuk meningkatkan kualitas olah raga sepak bola di jajarannya.
Pada Kamis, 23 Oktober 2010, Presiden berjanji untuk menonton pembukaan pertandingan sepak bola antara tiga angkatan di TNI, yaitu Angkatan Darat, Angkatan Laut, dan Angkatan Udara, serta Polri.
Presiden pun berjanji untuk menonton final pertandingan antarinstitusi tersebut.

“Lusa saya akan menyaksikan pembukaan pertandingan antara AD, AU, AL, dan Polri, dan masyarakat luas. Pada saat final saya juga akan datang menyaksikan,” ujarnya.

Pinkan Mambo Pindah Keyakinan

Pinkan Mambo Pindah Agama - Di Hari Raya Idul Fitri, ibunda Pinkan Mambo –Deetje, malah bersedih. Pelantun Kasmaran tersebut dikabarkan benar-benar pindah keyakinan.

“Lebaran yang suram buat aku. Anak aku (Pinkan) pindah keyakinan. Adik-adik aku tidak sama Pinkan Mambo agi, lagi prihatin saja,” ujar Deetje ditemui di kediamannya di perumahan Bukit Nusa Indah, Serua, Jombang, Ciputat, Senin (20/9/2010).

Dia mengaku belum pernah melihat dengan mata kepala sendiri kalau anaknya pergi ke Gereja. Sejauh yang dia tahu, Pinkan sudah mulai belajar keyakinan barunya sejak April atau Mei 2010.

“Tapi tepatnya sekitar Juni 2010, saya datang ke rumahnya. Pembantunya Pinkan bilang ini baju Gerejanya. Tiap Minggu Pinkan selalu ke Gereja tiap pagi,” papar Deetje.

Dia belum bisa memastikan apakah Pinkan pindah keyakinan karena kekasihnya yang bernama Steven. Namun kata hati Deetje meyakini kalau putrinya kena guna-guna.

“Dia itu kena magic, karena Pinkan orang yang tidak bisa dipengaruhi. Buktinya dua pembantunya juga kena magic,” urainya.

Selain Steven, Deetje mendapat kabar kalau ada dua Pendeta dan juga pengacara yang mempengaruhi anaknya. Tak ayal, sebagai orangtua dia akan mencari dua orang yang telah membuat anaknya berpaling dari keyakinan sebelumnya.

“Saya yakin Pinkan terkena hipnotis dari orang itu,” tandasnya.

Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

'Tidur' 400 Tahun, Gunung Sinabung Meletus

Video Gunung Sinabung Meletus - Gunung Sinabung meletus Minggu 29 Agustus 2010 pukul 00.08 Waktu Indonesia Barat. Asap dan debu membumbung sampai ketinggian 1.500 meter dari bibir kawah.
Tindakan evakuasi segera dilakukan. 12.000 masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitar gunung diungsikan sejak Sabtu kemarin.

Gunung Sinabung Meletus "Awalnya kami menduga, abu dan asap dipicu oleh turunnya, hujan. Tapi saat ini kami mengetahui itu diakibatkan tekanan magma," kata Kepala Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG), Surono, seperti dimuat Sydney Morning Herald, Minggu 29 Agustus 2010.

"Ini jelas berbahaya sehingga kami telah menaikkan level peringatan ke yang tertinggi, atau level merah."

Seperti dimuat laman PVMBG hari ini, Gunung Sinabung berstatus 'AWAS'.
Dijelaskan, aktivitas letusan dan sifat Gunungapi Sinabung tidak pernah tercatat, oleh karena itu tidak diketahui aktivitas letusannya.

"Karena letusannya tidak pernah tercatat sejak tahun 1600, maka Gunung Sinabung dikelompokkan dalam tipe B, dan tidak dilakukan pemantauan secara menerus."

Aktivitas Gunung Sinabung terpantau hanya berupa manifestasi solfatara dan fumarola di dalam kawah aktif.

Berikut hasil pantauan Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi:

Aktivitas 28 Agustus 2010

- Pukul 08.00 - 16.00 WIB, secara visual terpantau asap putih tipis, ketinggian sekitar 20 meter dengan tekanan lemah hingga sedang.

- Pukul 16.00 - 19.00 WIB, Gunung Sinabung tertutup kabut.

- Pukul 19.00 - 24.00 WIB, tidak terpantau adanya asap dari kawah aktif.

Dengan demikian Gunung Sinabung tidak menunjukkan adanya tanda-tanda peningkatan kegiatan.

Aktivitas 29 Agustus 2010

Pukul 00.08 WIB, terdengar suara gemuruh. Dengan aktivitas tersebut maka G. Sinabung diubah tipenya dari tipe B menjadi tipe A dan statusnya dinyatakan AWAS terhitung pukul 00.10 WIB tanggal 29 Agustus 2010.

Pukul 00.10 WIB berkoordinasi dengan tim di lapangan, diputuskan dilakukan pengungsian masyarakat yang bermukim dan beraktivitas pada radius 6 km dari kawah aktif.

Pukul 00.12 WIB, tampak asap letusan dengan ketinggian 1500 meter dari bibir kawah.

Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

Harga Nokia C3 New

Harga Nokia C3 - Apple seems to still remain convinced that the problem of the antenna and the signal is not only owned the iPhone 4, but all smartphones. Finally, they showed that the Nokia 1997 Mini any kinship with the iPhone 4 in the affairs of flowers kempisnya signal.

Nokia C3 - Apple CEO Steve Jobs has stated that the iPhone four imperfections, especially in terms of signal reception, actually experienced by all smartphones. This statement makes the stifling its competitors. Noted Nokia, RIM, HTC, and Samsung has denied the claims of Jobs. They reject the products identified with the troubled iPhone 4.

Do not want to be labeled only mengumbar nonsense, Apple also gave evidence. Through his official website, they publish a video that shows the problems experienced by the signals of other smartphones. And this time 'korban' it is the Nokia N97 Mini.

In the video, the N97 is the signal demonstrated a drop of 7 bar to 2 bar when held in certain ways. From observation detikINET, Thursday (07/22/2010), a very drastic decline in the signal occurs when the N97 Mini held on the bottom, where in that section there is an internal antenna mobile phone.

Video "disabled" Mini N97 is as complete a similar videos on the page, which shows the case of signal attenuation on a number of smartphone when held in a certain way, namely padaBlackBerry Bold 9700, HTC Droid Eris, Samsung Omnia II, and iPhone 3GS, in addition to iPhone 4 own course.

In its website, Apple calls the signal attenuation is a normal thing to happen.

"Every smartphone has a cellular antenna. And almost every smartphone could lose the signal when you hold it a certain way. To prove this, we have tested the iPhone with four other smartphones," explained Apple's party.

"The opposite of amplification, attenuation occur at any time when the signal was restricted. All of antennas - including TV, radio, GPS, and cellular antennas - can be weakened. And in almost all the antennas, the density and composition of the human hand can lead to a higher attenuation large compared to other materials. On the phone, signal loss typically occurs when your hands weaken the most sensitive part of the antenna, "lid Apple.

Senin, 05 Juli 2010

Prediksi Jerman Vs Spanyol Aneka Ragam

Prediksi Jerman Vs Spanyol - FIFA has appointed referee for the match semifinal. Uzbekistan referee Ravshan Irmatov lead Netherlands vs Uruguay match. Meanwhile, Hungarian referee Viktor Kassai to court Germany vs Spain.

Jerman vs Spanyol - FIFA made the announcement via his official website on Tuesday (05/07/2010) local time.

Irmatov a referee who led the 2010 World Cup opening match between South Africa against Mexico on June 11 last. He became the youngest referee who leads the World Cup opening match since 1934.

He will be assisted by Rafael Ilyasov and Bakhadyr Kochkarov (Kazakhstan) as an assistant referee 1 and 2. Meanwhile, the fourth umpire is Yuichi Nishimura (Japan). While the reserve is assistant referee Toru Sagara.

Meanwhile the party of the German counter Spain will be led Kassai. In South Africa in 2010, he had been a court in Brazil-party North Korea, Mexico, Uruguay, and the United States-Ghana.

He became a referee Hungarian origin who received the prestigious honor of leading the party, after Sandor Puhl who served in the World Cup final in 1994.

Kassai will be assisted by Gabor Eros and Tibor Vamos. While the fourth referee Frank de Bleeckere (Belgium). There is no reserve assistant referee is Peter Hermans.

Selasa, 08 Juni 2010

Video Cut Tari Ariel ML Hot Memek Hangat

Video Cut Tari Ariel - Telematics expert, Abhimanyu Wachjoewidajat says porn videos between people who like Cut Tari and Ariel ex-Peter Pan is an original video.

Video Cut Tari  "There is no engineering. It has not been edited. The quality is better," said Abi in Cilandak Town Square, Tuesday (8 / 6).

And what about the similarity of the so-called Cut Dance? Abi replied, "estimated that 95 percent of Dance Cut."

Whereas for men the figure was taken less than a woman, Abi said, "Here man faces more accidental. Position fewer men appear from the cases of LM."

About where the video was taken Abi says the possibility is flat. Because, there is the access door out, if the hotel would use a suite.

"Because there is a new living room there is room perp. Apartments were nice and there tercapture had seen the paintings and behind the mirror it can see no other room," he said.

Regarding the date of making the video, Abipun said, "If we see the upload date in 2006. But if creation itself is under the year 2006."

Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

Miss Indonesia 2010

Miss Indonesia 2010 - Miss Indonésie 2010 remise des prix a eu lieu en arrière. Après le compte rendu assez donné, les finalistes se préparer pour le processus d'évaluation par les professionnels dans le domaine jusqu'à ce que les femmes élues qui ferait "tous les yeux étaient fixés sur lui."

Parmi les 1500 participants qui s'inscrivent, a choisi 33 finalistes. Les finalistes après la période de quarantaine qui a débuté le 18 mai au soir crête de Miss Indonésie 2010. Le plan, la sélection de Miss Indonésie 2010 aura lieu Juin 1 2010, à Central Park Ballroom et retransmis en direct par la chaîne de télévision RCTI.

Pendant trois semaines, les finalistes obtenir un compte rendu du ministère de la Culture et du Tourisme, ministre d'État à l'autonomisation des femmes, et le gouverneur de Jakarta DKI. Les finalistes ont également reçu une série de formation ne doit pas se reposer uniquement sur la beauté physique, mais elle doit aussi être en mesure de pleinement rayonner la beauté de l'intérieur eux-mêmes. La formation fournie, y compris la classe de beauté, Inner Beauty, la classe, la classe de parole en public, et le tableau de la classe Manner.

Dans la nuit dernière, un total de 33 finalistes seront testés par des juges professionnels et des experts dans le domaine, à savoir Miss Indonésie Liliana Tanoesoedibjo fondateur, Martha Tilaar, Rima Melati, Raam punjabi, Peter Saerang, Harry Darsono et Ferry Salim. Miss Indonésie 2010 l'élection a été également assisté par deux invités spéciaux, à savoir, le président de Miss Monde et Miss World International.

"Deux invités spéciaux seront présents au sommet de Miss Indonésie 2010, y compris Miss Monde 2009 et Miss Julia Morley, président de l'International Miss Monde", a expliqué directeur de projet Rudi Ramawy en tant que Miss Indonésie 2010, lorsque disponibles à Hard Rock Cafe, ex Plaza, Jakarta , du lundi (24/05/2010).

Rudi explique, l'âge finaliste gamme Miss Indonésie 2010 est variée et cette année il ya d'autres catégories à savoir, Miss innovation.

«L'âge de la gamme de finalistes est suffisamment large et varié. Mais évidemment, ils doivent apporter indonésienne valeurs culturelles qui peuvent être prises à l'étranger. Il existe d'autres cette année, à savoir Miss innovation", at-il ajouté.

Il a dit, Miss innovation est sélectionné par l'analyse de leur expertise dans l'utilisation de la technologie, ils apprennent tous Youtube et appliquées dans la vie quotidienne.

«Évidemment, cette connaissance est une connaissance qui est positif, de sorte qu'ils puissent s'enrichir pleinement", at-il poursuivi.

La sélection des événements de Miss Indonésie est également soutenu par les partenaires restent, à savoir Sariayu.

«C'est la sixième fois Sariayu couplé RCTI. Nous pensons que cet événement est alignée avec la mission qui a été réalisée Sariayu. N'est pas très joli de l'extérieur, mais aussi de belles de l'intérieur", a déclaré le vice directeur général de PT Martha Beauty Gallery Wulan Tilaar.

Wulan même d'expliquer, cette année Sariayu donner des prix aux femmes qui retournent à la catégorie des Miss Beautiful Skin et Miss Body Beautiful critères belle peau, de belles vues de la peau et entretenus.

La dernière nuit se sentira différent avec l'apparition de Aluna Orchestra, Nidjie, Marcell Siahaan, Vidi Aldiano, Petra SIH et Marsha Manopo à un concept plus minimaliste de la série, mais avec une touche de regard international. Avec un concept minimaliste du thème «La beauté de l'Indonésie", la scène est rendue plus simple mais élégante. Les images qui reflètent l'Indonésie émergé du côté multimédia.

Miss Monde à Jakarta le 31 mai 2010 et le même jour, nous avons aussi le blocage exercice avec Miss Indonésie et les 33 finalistes de la pointe du soir de Miss Indonésie 2010.

Miss Indonésie concours de cette élection non seulement vu le succès universitaire, mais aussi les divers talents dont ils disposent. Les finalistes seront voir son talent de la voie rapide tour.

accélérée »dans le domaine de la modélisation, les vues des exercices sont souples et de bonne chorégraphie. Sport de la course de relais et les activités de volley-ball. Running mesurée à partir de la vitesse par personne tandis que le volley-ball de juger de leur coopération dans le jeu de volley-ball. Et le talent show, où les finalistes doivent préparer Les talents les plus importants, capables de danser, chanter ou danser, "fermé Dicky Producteur Sadikin en tant que Miss Indonésie.

Senin, 24 Mei 2010

Jadwal Piala Dunia 2010

Jadwal Piala Dunia 2010 - French preparations to perform at the 2010 World Cup challenged. It happened after the Real Madrid midfielder survive, Lassana Diarra determined to be not accompany Le Bleus to South Africa after smothering intestinal issues.

Diarra absent at practice on Friday and Saturday after complaining of pain in his stomach. This was experienced when he was practicing with his team mate at the height of the Alps. "Lassana Diarra had bowel injury while training in Tignes. The result is he will not appear in the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. Currently the staff is not team players who will be summoned to replace him, "wrote an official statement of the French Football Federation (FFF) in the personal pages, Sunday (23 / 5).

French architect, Raymond Domenech bring 24 players to Tignes shadow. He likely will trim to 23 players on June 1st. France will launch initially in the World Cup match against Uruguay in Cape Town on in Group A on June 11.

Diarra joined Real Madrid from Portsmouth in January 2009, after grazing for Chelsea and Arsenal. Arsenal midfielder replaced Abou Diaby in the exercise.

Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

Lowongan Kerja

Lowongan CPNS Depkeu 2010 - The economic crisis that shook the world is also a crisis of the labor market in China. Millions oorang forced to lose his job. Now the situation turned around, the company difficulty in obtaining employment.
There are unusual in the job market in Shenzhen. This man had spent many hours to find 40 people to fill vacancies in the factory. "Now this is very hard to find workers. Since yesterday I have only found two people. Many say the work that we offer too much. We produce toys. The salary we offer is not attractive anymore to the size of Shenzhen," he said.

Lowongan CPNS - Toy factory that offers a salary of around 100 euros, approximately USD 1.2 million per month. Not far from standnya, representatives of a company's carpentry tools to tell a similar difficulty. Companies that export to western countries, the Middle East and Africa. "Our business is running very well. This year we got a reservation third greater than two years ago. For that we need an additional 200 salespeople and 400 workers. It was difficult to fulfill."
According of Xu Qin, head of employment exchange, the problems faced by the two companies described the situation faced by the Shenzhen area, the heart of China's export industries. "Company-the company lost most of his orders during the financial crisis hit last year. In addition, the labor market for migrants collapsed. Many who returned to his native village. And earlier this year when the situation does not improve, many of which chose to stay at home rather than return over here. " The reason, the Chinese government poured massive economic programs that benefit rural areas. There was suddenly needed workers to build roads, railways and many buildings. Among the workers who stay in Shenzhen, there are Zhang Weihua, a young 22 year home province of Hubei. He felt dissatisfied, even though his salary as a worker at the warehouse, almost 200 Euros, including the high. "The cost of living in Senzhen not cheap. I do not know last month's salary up to anything but at the end of the month I still had to borrow money. Last year I felt the true impact of the global financial crisis and fear in case would be dismissed. Now my company constantly need new workers, in their thousands. "

Ye Xiaxia, come from poor provinces of Guizhou to Shenzhen and started working at a toy factory. Work too much, the salary is too small and often not paid, the women complained that 24 years. Now she works in a factory owned by the Japanese copier at a salary of more than 200 Euros a month.
Ye Xiaxia happy if there are overtime hours, which means additional money. Living in Shenzhen are expensive, but she did not want to go back to his village in Guizhou. Too outdated, said Ye Xiaxia taking out new cell phone equipped with a camera.

Astrid Freyeisen / Renata Permadi
Editor: Farid Yuniman
Source: Deutsche Welle

Senin, 10 Mei 2010

Yamaha Xeon 125

Yamaha Xeon - Berdiri 15 tahun silam dengan 10 karyawan, kini PT V-Kool Indo Lestari (VKIL) telah berkembang pesat menjadi market leader penjualan kaca film di Indonesia dengan memperkerjakan 90 karyawan.

Yamaha - V-Kool sebagai salah satu brand yang dipegang VKIL telah mengusai lebih dari 60 persen kaca film di segmen atas. Di segmen bawahnya, VKIL turut memasarkan merek Solar Gard dan akan menyusul merek Quantum.

“Kami mempunya konsep 3 jangkar utama yang selalu diterapkan secara konsisten. Yaitu customer care, partner care dan enviro care,” ujar Darma Eddie Salim, M.Sc, president director PT VKIL, saat press conference ulang tahun ke-15 di Ballroom Hotel Grand Melia Jakarta (30/4).

Selain memaparkan strategi utama mereka, Eddie juga membocorkan produk-produk andalan V-Kool yang akan menggempur pasar kaca film nasional. Antara lain V-Kool Black Label, V-Kool Tattoo dan V-Kool Skinz. “Tiga produk ini akan kami luncurkan bersamaan acara Gaikindo 2010,” tambahnya.

V-Kool Tattoo terbilang unik dan bisa menjadi tren baru di tanah air. Kaca film yang biasanya tampil polos, V-Kool membuat terobosan baru dengan guratan semacam tato atau bergambar. Terdapat beberapa tema gambar seperti animal, tribal dan ethnic.

Kaca film bertato ini bisa dipasangkan di bagian depan, samping maupun belakang. “Sasaran kaca film ini untuk hobbies sehingga diproduksi sangat limited. Kemungkinan harganya sedikit lebih mahal dari VK-70,” lanjut Eddi yang juga memasarkan kaca film merek Solar Gard.

Sedangkan V-Kool Skinz merupakan terobosan baru kaca film yang bisa memproteksi cat mobil dari kepudaran dan cacat gores.

Kamis, 06 Mei 2010

Menculik Miyabi

Menculik Miyabi - Mustafa Embong, fronted one of the mass organizations of Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), re-affirmed that it continues to resist the presence of kidnap movie starring Miyabi Japanese hot actress, Maria Ozawa aka Miyabi.

"We were consistent and istiqomah to eradicate the things that smelled of sinners. Last night (Wednesday), from the results of a meeting with the DPP (FPI), we will conduct a movement to conduct raids on the film that smells sinners," Mustafa said when contacted Kompas.com , Thursday (06/05/2010).

Only, Mustafa, who claimed the center was in Donegal, not yet know the outcome of the meeting must be related to the sweeping action plan Maxima Pictures film produced it.

"I can not have good news where and when that movement will be done. What is clear, the movement was definitely there. We are still monitoring the points where the play the movie," he said.

Mustafa explained that it had informed the authorities in relation to the planned protests against the film. "We've let it into the party apparatus," he said.

Still according to Mustafa, the attitude of rejection towards the film's actually been posted to homes Maxima Pictures production. "But, still, as now. We're dealing with people who are greedy of money and sex. Hence, we are ready to serve," said Mustafa.

Miyabi kidnap movie screened simultaneously begin this Thursday in Jakarta. The movie also stars Nicky Tirta, Hardi Fadhillah, Rizky Mocil, and Alessia Cestaro it will be screened in 18 theaters.

Previously, Ody Mulya Hidayat, Maxima Pictures producer, confirmed that the film is just painful for her to kidnap drama comedy and not a movie-Eshek Eshek. However, Mustafa did not want to care. "He can wiggle it, but everyone already knew who starred in the film. He's an icon of sex. The existence of porn that has poisoned the children below school age. Never mind all the methods," he said. "If the icon is practically manners, it's gone up just became a regent, get involved in elections," Mustafa said sarcastically.

Minggu, 02 Mei 2010

Kelly Clarkson

Kelly Clarkson - Syahrini singer seems to be increasingly familiar with the first daughter Anang Hermansyah, Aurel.

Evidently, he was spotted attending the Kelly Clarkson concert last night. However, Syahrini seemed in a hurry to enter the concert area and just answer the statement as necessary news hunters.

"Coming here I am three of the same manager who is also a brother to me," he said at the Tennis Indoor, Thursday (29 / 4) night.

Syahrini confess this is the request arrival times Aurel. "We're both fans of Kelly kok. So we fitted knew there was a direct purchase concert tickets," he said.

However, the arrival time is not accompanied by a duet partner, Sam. "Mas Anang was (still) in the studio so we're staying," he continued.

Not only are compact in the coming concert, both in dress looks compact.

Syahrini using a black dress with a white tank top with her hair digerai. Aurel while using a white tank top and wearing black hot pants with her hair tied up.

Aurel was no answer when asked whether he was happy to walk with Syahrini. He only smiled with a bit of running toward the venue. They entered the area of the show by sitting in the VIP seats.

Selasa, 27 April 2010

Cowboys In Paradise

Film Terbaru - Gubenur Bali Made Mangku Pastika gerah dengan film berkisah gigolo di Kuta bertajuk Cowboys in Paradise. Ia bakal mengusut film yang mengegerkan pariwisata Bali tersebut.

"Kita akan telusuri apakah film itu resmi atau diam-diam," kata Pastika usai rapat di DPRD Bali, Jl Dr Kusuma Atmadja, Denpasar, Selasa (27/4/2010).

Ia mengatakan pembuatan film Cowboys in Paradise yang dilakukan oleh keturunan India tersebut ilegal karena tidak mengantongi izin resmi. "Itu tidak ada izin, dan jelas sekali melanggar," katanya.

Pastika juga menilai razia terhadap warga di pantai Kuta yang tidak beridentitas oleh Satgas Pantai Kuta sebagai langkah positif. Dia berharap tindakan tersebut tidak dilakukan dengan kekerasan.

"Terima kasih kepada masyarakat kuta yang telah melakukan razia. Jangan menggunakan kekerasan. Kita ciptakan Bali yang damai," ujarnya.

Ia pun berjanji bakal mengambil tindakan tegas agar citra Bali sebagai pulau spiritual tidak ternoda.

Minggu, 25 April 2010

Kelulusan Siswa SMA

Pengumuman kelulusan SMA 2010 - Pengumuman kelulusan ujian nasional SMA sederajat ditargetkan pada Senin (26/4/2010). Dalam pekan ini, pemerintah akan menyelesaikan pengiriman hasil penilaian UN ke semua sekolah di Tanah Air.

Pengumuman Kelulusan - Mungin Eddy Wibowo, anggota Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) di Jakarta, Rabu (21/4/2010), menjelaskan bahwa pengumuman kelulusan memang dijadwalkan pada 26 April 2010. "Tetapi kewenangan mengumumkan kepada siswa tetap diserahkan pada kebijakan masing-masing sekolah," ujar Mungin.

Mungin mengatakan, siswa yang tidak lulus bisa langsung mendaftar ke sekolah untuk ikut UN ulangan. Pelaksanaan UN ulangan sendiri akan dimulai pada 10 Mei 2010 dan merupakan kebijakan pemerintah untuk memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa yang tidak lulus untuk tetap bisa mendapatkan ijazah kelulusan sekolah formal.

"Nanti, siswa akan ikut UN ulangan bersama siswa lain. Jadi, siswa dari sekolah berbeda akan bergabung di tempat-tempat yang sudah ditentukan," ungkap Mungin.

Pelaksanaan UN ulangan seperti layaknya UN utama. Pada minggu ini, master copy UN ulangan akan didistribusikan ke daerah-daerah untuk dicetak.

Mungin mengatakan, siswa yang tidak lulus UN bisa mengulang sebagian atau semua mata pelajaran UN yang tidak memenuhi nilai minimal. Adapun kelulusan siswa diambil berdasarkan nilai rata-rata 5,5 untuk semua pelajaran.

Kamis, 22 April 2010

Hp Nexian Ponsel

Nexian She - Operator seluler Telkomsel mencatat penambahan 2,5 juta pelanggan baru dari 69 seri ponsel yang dibundelnya bersama 18 mitra vendor ponsel sejak 2009 lalu hingga kuartal pertama 2010. "Pelanggan dari program bundling kami lebih banyak di Pulau Jawa, di mana 60% penjualan ada di sana," ungkap Deputy VP Channel Management Telkomsel, Agus Setia Budi, usai peluncuran bundling tiga ponsel Micxon-Kartu As di Grand Indonesia, Jakarta, Kamis (8/4/2010).

Dari total 69 seri ponsel yang dibundel Telkomsel, Nokia merupakan yang terbanyak dipaketkan operator itu dengan jumlah 23 seri. Kemudian disusul oleh Samsung (6 seri), TiPhone (6 seri), BlackBerry (5 seri), LG (4 seri), Nexian (4 seri), Micxon (4 seri), Sony Ericsson (3 seri), serta iPhone (2 seri).

Sisanya, Telkomsel hanya membundel satu-dua produk saja untuk ponsel merek lokal dan asing yang tidak begitu terkenal. Meski demikian, jumlah ini dirasa cukup bagi sang operator untuk mengejar pangsa pasar dari program bundling.

"Kami yakin dengan 69 seri ponsel yang telah kami bundling bersama 18 mitra sejak tahun lalu, menjadikan Telkomsel sebagai operator raja bundling yang memiliki lebih dari 82 juta pelanggan seluler di tanah air," pungkas Agus.

Minggu, 18 April 2010

Mengobati Keputihan Wanita

Obat Keputihan - ”Istri saya saat ini sedang hamil empat bulan. Kehidupan seks kami sangat normal, bahkan kadang-kadang justru istri yang meminta. Cuma, istri saya pernah mengeluhkan tentang keputihan yang ia alami. Keputihannya tidak berbau, tetapi kental seperti ingus dan sedikit bergelembung. Apakah keputihan ini berbahaya?

Obat - Istri juga sering merasakan perih di kelamin ketika membasuhnya setelah melakukan hubungan seksual. Padahal, dia bisa merasakan nikmat. Mengapa terjadi seperti ini? Meskipun perih ini tidak terlalu sakit, sebagai suami, saya merasa tidak tega.”

T., Jakarta

Luka Lecet
Sebenarnya keputihan ada dua macam, yaitu keputihan yang normal (fisiologis) dan keputihan yang tidak normal (patologis). Keputihan yang normal biasanya tidak berbau, agak kental sampai cair seperti putih telur, dan tidak disertai gejala lain. Sebaliknya, keputihan yang disebabkan oleh penyakit biasanya berbau, berwarna tertentu, dan disertai gejala lain seperti gatal.

Untuk menentukan apakah keputihan yang dialami oleh istri Anda normal atau merupakan gejala penyakit, tentu diperlukan pemeriksaan yang benar. Pada kehamilan, sering terjadi keputihan yang normal seperti itu.

Mengenai rasa perih yang dialami istri tampaknya disebabkan luka lecet kecil yang terjadi akibat hubungan seksual. Sebenarnya kejadian ini bukan sesuatu yang aneh, walaupun mestinya tidak harus terjadi.

Mungkin kejadian ini disebabkan oleh perlendiran vagina yang tidak cukup terjadi, sehingga tekanan penis terjadi lebih langsung ke dinding vagina. Mungkin juga karena hubungan seksual berlangsung lama, sehingga gesekan penis ke vagina juga lebih lama terjadi.

Kemungkinan lain, akibat bentuk bagian perut yang berubah karena kehamilan, penis lebih menekan bagian luar kelamin, sehingga menimbulkan kelecetan. Bisa juga karena tekanan yang terlalu kuat selama hubungan seksual berlangsung.

Untuk mengatasinya, cobalah hindari kemungkinan penyebab di atas. Umumnya kelecetan itu cepat sembuh, dan tidak menimbulkan infeksi lebih lanjut.

Senin, 12 April 2010

Susno Duadji Arrested

Susno Duadji Dibebaskan - Former National Police detective chief Comr. Gen. Susno Duadji was arrested at the Soekarno-Jakarta international airport on Monday as he was about to leave Indonesia for Singapore reportedly for a health check. National Police spokesman Insp. Gen. Edward Aritonang confirmed the arrest, saying Susno had not secured the National Police chief’s permit to go abroad.

Susno Duadji  will leave the country without his superior’s consent. He should have notified his superior although his trip is only for a medical check. What if something wrong happens to him?” Edward said as quoted by kompas.com.

The arrest comes on the heel of his revelation of alleged case brokering practices involving the police force, state prosecutors and tax officials. The National Police then named him a suspect for alleged defamation.

Susno sought legal protection from the House of Representatives’ commission on law and human rights last week.

Prior to his arrest he met with the presidential anti-judicial corruption taskforce to provide the president’s aides more information about the case brokering mafia involving junior tax official Gayus Tambunan.

Sabtu, 10 April 2010

PDIP Bukan Oposisi

Contoh Pidato - Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (pdip) bukan memosisikan diri sebagai partai oposisi tetapi sebagai partai penyeimbang.

"Pidato ketua umum pada pembukaan kongres sama sekali tidak menyatakan PDIP sebagai oposisi tetapi sebagai penyeimbang pemerintah," kata Ketua DPP PDIP Trimedya Panjaitan kepada Media Indonesia di bali, Jumat (9/4).

Menurutnya implementasi sebagai partai penyeimbang harus dilakukan semua kader dan warga PDIP termasuk para kepala daerah yang diusung PDIP. Sikap sebagai penyeimbang itu, kata dia, tidak perlu dibenturkan atau didikotomikan antara partai pemerintah dan partai di luar pemerintah.

Selama program pembangunan yang dijalankan pro rakyat maka para kepala daerah dari pdip harus mendukung. Sebaliknya bila program pemerintah tidak pro rakyat maka para kepala daerah dari PDIP wajib mempertanyakannya baik kepada pemerintah pusat maupun kepada DPR. "Segala kebijakan yang tidak mendidik dan tidak prorakyat harus ditolak dan bila perlu disampaikan melalui Fraksi PDIP di DPR," katanya.

Ia memberi contoh program BLT. Sejak awal PDIP menolak kebijakan itu karena tidak mendidik. Untuk itu para kepala daerah dari PDIP harus punya sikap sama. "Tapi sikap itu harus disertai dengan menawarkan solusi bagaimana seharusnya BLT itu dilakukan agar tidak sekedar bagi bagi duit," ujarnya.

Rabu, 07 April 2010

Pidato Mega Terbaik Tahun Ini

Pidato Megawati - Aktivis dan kalangan muda Indonesia menyambut baik pidato politik Ketua Umum PDI Perjuangan Megawati Soekarnoputri dalam acara Kongres III PDI Perjuangan di Bali (Selasa, 6/4). "Petisi 28 menyambut penuh hormat atas pidato Ketua Umum DPP PDI Perjangan Megawati," kata Koordinator Petisi 28 Haris Rusly Moty melalui pesan singkatnya kepada Rakyat Merdeka Online sesaat lalu.

Petisi 28 merupakan aliansi dari 28 organisasi kemahasiswaan dan kepemudaan yang ada di Indonesia.

Rusli menilai pidato bekas Presiden tersebut merupakan Contoh Naskah  Pidato terbaik dari tokoh nasional tahun ini yang sejalan dengan kekuatan aspirasi kekuatan kaum muda yang sedang tumbuh berjuang membebaskan bangsa Indonesia dari KKN dan neo-kolonialisme.

"Sebuah pidato reevaluasi atas jalannya 12 tahun reformasi yang berantakan," tutupnya.

Sabtu, 03 April 2010

Bupati Marah

Contoh Pidato - Rapat antara Ormas dan LSM yang pro dan kontra terhadap pengesahaan Perda Pendalaman Alur Pelayaran di ruang rapat lantai 3 Kantor Bupati Karimun, Rabu (31/3) nyaris ricuh. Rapat yang dipimpin langsung oleh Bupati Karimun Dr H Nurdin Basirun. Sos. M.Si sejatinya adalah sesuai kesepakatan untuk mendudukan masalah mencari solusi terbaik berubah menjadi ajang saling hujat dan saling tuding diantara ormas dan LSM yang pro dan kontra terhadap pengesahan Perda Pendalaman Alur.

Pidato Bahkan emosi Nurdin Basirun hampir saja terpancing dengan aksi walk out sesaat rapat baru dimulai yang dilakukan oleh Zaizulfikar, tokoh masyarakat Karimun yang sedari awal menolak perda itu bersama sejumlah rekannya usai Nurdin penyampaikan pidato pengantar.

Wajah Bupati Karimun H Nurdin Basirun terlihat memerah dan marah saat rapat berlangsung. Namun dengan tenang Nurdin berusaha menahan emosi agar suasana rapat kembali kondusif dan tidak ricuh.

Insiden itu bermula dari sesaat rapat dimulai yang dibuka oleh Asisten III Drs Samsuardi untuk mempersilakan kepada Bupati Karimun Nurdin Basirun memberikan penjelasan dan latar belakang terkait dengan Perda Pendalaman Alur yang memicu kontroversi di tengah masyarakat saat ini.

Diawal pemaparannya, Nurdin mengatakan bahwa latar belakang dari dibuatnya Perda itu adalah mengingat dan menimbang bahwa wilayah Karimun sebagai salah satu wilayah FTZ punya posisi yang sangat strategis di jalur perdagangan yang sangat padat antara Singapur dan Malaysia.

"Berkaca dari situasi ini dan pola pikir kami untuk kemajuan Karimun kedepan, makanya kita berfikir bagaimana berusaha untuk membuat daya saing dengan dibuatnya Perda Pendalaman Alur. Ini supaya ada payung hukum yang jelas soal pengembangan Kawasan Terpadu dan Pendalaman Alur Pelayaran. Ini yang kita buat dan tak ada niat untuk merugikan masyarakat," jelas Nurdin dalam paparannya.

Namun barunya saja Nurdin usai menyampaikan penjelasaanya, tiba-tiba Zaizulfikal melakukan interupsi meminta waktu untuk bicara menyampaikan pendapatnya di hadapan peserta rapat.

"Bapak Bupati yang terhormat, rasanya kami paham soal pemaparan bapak tadi. Terlebih dahulu kami perlu tahu apakah Perda ini sudah disahkan dan ditandatangani apa belum. Jika kami di sini hanya cuma mendengarkan soal penjelasaan Perda ini, rasanya tidak perlu kami di sini," tanya Zaizulfikar atau kerap disapa Boy kepada Bupati Nurdin Basirun dan Zainuddin Ahmad dari DPRD Karimun yang hadir mendampingi Bupati.

Setelah itu spontan Zaizulfikar diikuti sejumlah rekannya berdiri dan meninggalkan ruangan pertemuan. "Maaf bapak-bapak sekalian yang terhormat silahkan lanjutkan saja kami tidak ikut," ucap Zaizulfikar.

Sontak tindakan Zaizulfikar dan rekannya mendapat tanggapan dan sindiran dari Bupati Nurdin Basirun yang dengan muka memendam amarah berusaha menahan emosi.

"Ini adalah contoh yang baek dari pemuda Karimun. Bukan dengan cara begini hendak menyelesaikan masalah. Katanya kita orang Melayu orang beradat, tapi kok seperti ini. Kalau hendak menyelesaikan masalaha mari kita berantam dan betumbuk di forum ini," sindir Nurdin Basirun disambut sorakan dukungan dari peserta rapat

Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

Dukungan Istana untuk Andi Mallarangeng

Contoh Pidato - Kehadiran Ibas Yudhoyono dalam deklarasi Andi Mallarangeng sebagai calon Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat 2010-2015, semalam, tidak berarti sinyal dukungan dari Istana mengarah ke Andi. Hanya persepsi yang mengaitkan kehadiran Ibas dengan dukungan itu.

Pidato "Sinyal (dukungan dari Istana untuk Andi Mallarangeng) itu hanya persepsi. Semalam saya istikharoh, alamatnya (dukungan itu) lain," kata Wakil Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat Ahmad Mubarok, dalam diskusi politik menjaring aspirasi para kader Partai Demokrat yang digelar kandidat ketua umum lainnya, Marzuki Alie, bekas Sekjen Partai Demokrat yang sekarang menjadi Ketua DPR, di Hotel Mercure, Ancol,Senin (29/3).

Menurut Mubarok, semua calon punya kans yang sama. Dia mengutip Ketua Dewan Pembina Demokrat, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, yang memberi restu kepada setiap kader yang maju ke pencalonan dengan syarat tidak ada permainan uang. "Saya juga mendukung proses yang fair," kata Mubarok.

Mubarok juga menyatakan dukungannya terhadap proses kaderisasi. Dia menunjuk contoh kaderisasi itu yang dari kursi Sekjen untuk menempati Ketua Umum.

Meski begitu Mubarok menilai semua calon memiliki kans yang sama. “Masa depan partai ada pada tokoh muda. Saya dukung proses yang fresh," kata Mubarok.

Selain Andi Mallarangeng yang sudah mendeklarasikan diri dan Marzuki yang sudah menjajaki aspirasi para kader, bursa Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat sejatinya akan diramaikan oleh Ketua Fraksi Partai Demokrat di DPR, Anas Urbaningrum.

Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

he Gadgets for Girls Revolution

Nexian She NX-G788 - While girls’ toys have always been lucrative for toy makers (think Barbie, Cabbage Patch Kids, Care Bears and – more recently - Bratz), the market for technology-based toys has always been much more heavily aimed at boys. While, certainly, many girls enjoy them, video gaming systems and other such leisure technologies feature war games, flight simulators and fantasy role-playing games whose pace and graphics are meant to appeal to the male demographic. Lara Croft does not wear tiny shorts for the benefit of her female fans.

Nexian She - This Christmas, a company called “Radica Games” is promoting a line of technology-based toys aimed exclusively at young girls that they call “Girl Tech”. These gadgets for girls include such items as the “Password Journal”, a sort of high-tech diary for modern girls. It uses voice recognition software to keep unauthorized people (like siblings and parents) from reading the owner’s innermost thoughts and includes features like an invisible ink pen for even greater security, a calendar to keep the social life organized and an alarm to tell the owner if someone is trying to break in to the journal. However, it may be a better product in theory than in practice: many online reviews of this product do not recommend it due to technical glitches, most citing the voice-recognition software as the problem.

Another “Girl Tech” item that is poised to be very popular this Christmas is the “Girl Tech Digi Makeover”. It has a built-in digital camera and can hook up to the owner’s television. The point is to take a picture of someone and then use the device to try out different hairstyles, haircuts and makeup to see how they look. It advertises over 50 hairstyles and colours, as well as an array of makeup that makes for an almost endless combination of new looks. Unlike the diary, this item has had very positive reviews from consumers on different websites and is touted as one of the must-have items for Christmas 2007.

“Girl Tech” features many other items as well, from a digital video journal that can be hooked up to the computer for customizing entries, to a virtual pet called the “Password Puppy”. The target age range for all of the “Girl Tech” toy line starts around age 8 and they are appropriate through the preteen years. Radica suggests that older people may enjoy them as well, but older teen girls would probably be more interested in more sophisticated technological gifts, such as the latest mobile phone or digital camera. “Girl Tech” toys, however, are a great way to show younger girls that technology isn’t just for boys.

Senin, 22 Maret 2010

Mengamati Liga Champions 2010 Final

Perkiraan Final Liga Champions 2010 yang akan segera digelar dua bulan lagi, akan membuat orang merasa penasaran juga. Tim mana saja yang akan menjadi finalis nantinya. Dengan modal hoki kemenangan yang sering didapati Liverpool kala bertemu MU, pasukan Liverpool tampaknya akan menyambangi Old Trafford, Minggu (21/03/2010) ini dengan kepala tegak. Membaiknya kondisi penyerang Fernando Torres diyakini kubu Liverpool akan menghadirkan teror tersendiri bagi MU.

Kita juga bisa melihat Jadwal Liga Champions 2010 yang akan datang "Torres telah kembali menemukan permainannya. Dia kembali ke lapangan dengan ciri khas dan kualitas kemampuan yang sangat luar biasa. Ini sinyal ancaman bagi MU, kami datang kesana dengan persiapan utuh," ujar Gelandang Liverpool Javier Mascherano seperti dilansir Goal.com.

Kembalinya Torres dalam skuad The Reds seperti kembali menghidupkan mesin Liverpool yang memang makin memanas dengan produktifitasnya di dua laga terakhir.

Striker Spanyol itu mendulang dua gol saat timnya menggebuk Lille 3-0 di Anfield, untuk memastikan diri lolos ke babak permpatfinal Europa League. Tiga hari sebelumnya Torres juga mencetak dua gol untuk menginspirasikan kemenangan The Reds atas Portsmouth dengan skor 4-1 di Premiership.

Walaupun kerap dihambat cedera, statistik gol yang dicatat Torres sangat baik yakni mengukir 15 gol dari 19 pertandingan di liga. Torres berkeinginan besar memenangkan duel dahsyat ini untuk memastikan timnya tetap berada di jalur Liga Champions untuk musim depan.

"Terlalu dini untuk membicarakannya, saya sendiri masih yakin kami akan bisa finis di posisi empat. Lolos ke Liga Champions sangatlah penting. Saya ingin bersaing di Premier League, berjuang di Liga Champions atau UEFA," ujar Torres.

Selain Torres, Liverpool juga digembirakan dengan membaiknya kondisi Kapten Tim Steven Gerrard. Dua pemain bintang inilah yang nantinya akan memimpin pasukan besar The Reds untuk memberikan perlawanan kepada pasukan The Red Devils.
Di kubu MU, Wayne Rooney sedang bagus-bagusnya. Soalnya lalu Torres atau Rooney.

Senin, 15 Maret 2010

Robert Pattinson Dikawal Bodyguard

Film Indonesia Terbaru - Robert Pattinson beken setelah membintangi film Twilight. Kini dia ke mana-mana selalu ditemani bodyguard (pengawal). Rob dikawal lima orang.

Film Terbaru - Rob tetap dikawal sepanjang syuting film terbaru, Remember Me, di New York. Dia mulai dikawal pengawal setelah insiden didorong oleh sekelompok penggemarnya di New York’s Union Square. Demikian dilansir Showbizspy, Selasa (16/3/2010).

"Jika bukan karena kesigapan pengawal, mungkin saja saat itu Rob sudah tewas karena cedera," tutur sumber.

Kala itu, tingkah laku penggemar yang sebagian besar perempuan memang di luar batas. Mereka merangsek maju mendekati pemeran vampir bernama Edward Cullen itu dan mendesaknya. Hingga akhirnya Rob jatuh di samping pintu mobil yang sedang melintas.

"Andai saja bajunya atau kakinya tersangkut, dijamin Rob akan menderita luka serius. Reaksi pengawal yang cepat dapat menyelamatkannya dari cedera. Anda tahu, waktu itu wajah Rob bahkan lebih pucat dari Edward Cullen," imbuh sumber.

Rabu, 17 Februari 2010

Masters Of Disguise

Jenny Cortez - Gene Hackman once lamented that the worst thing about becoming a famous actor is that you lose the ability to observe people without being noticed yourself. But some performers are so good at disguises that notoriety is no obstacle. A case in point was John Barrymore trying to buy his first house in Beverly Hills in 1926. Frustrated by rising real estate prices due to stars like Tom Mix and Charlie Chaplin moving into the neighborhood, Barrymore went to look at a lot dressed as his most famous movie role, Mr. Hyde. The realtor was taken aback by the long haired, wild eyed, fiendish looking man who got out of the limo. Every time the broker would suggest a price he was met by an intimidating growl. Finally he made the sale by lopping twenty thousand dollars off the initial number.

Jenny Cortez Foto Bugil Hot Panas Topless Telanjang - Barrymore's penchant for disguises did not end with his home purchase. The actor was often arrested and locked up for vagrancy, specifically being drunk and going through his rich neighbor's trash cans to find scraps for his pet buzzard. His experiences were put to good use when he showed up to a costume party put on by Marion Davies dressed as a bum. Unfortunately, his outfit was so authentic he was turned away.

Sometimes an actor will believe that they are turning into the character that they play. The disguise will give them a confidence they don't have in their own lives. Before Dustin Hoffman was famous he used to follow movie producers into bathrooms, wait till they got into the stalls, slide his head shots underneath the door and run away. He almost blew his audition for The Graduate (1967) by getting nervous and grabbing Katherine Ross' breasts during his screen test. The insecure actor became more comfortable as he got outside his own skin, especially when he played Dorothy Michaels in Tootsie (1982). Dustin was so convincing as a flirty southern belle that he actually fooled his uncomfortable Midnight Cowboy (1969) co-star Jon Voight in New York's Russian Tea Room. Their real life encounter was later turned into one of the film's funniest scenes. After the experience was over he didn't want to be Dustin again. "Maybe there can be a sequel where I give birth."

Another uncertain star, Gregory Peck had his decision making powers rise up several notches when he played the title role in MacArthur (1977). Peck's wife Veronique wished to buy a new lot in Holmby Hills and wanted Greg's approval. Local residents were amazed to see what looked like Douglas MacArthur chauffeured around in an open convertible, wearing his full General's Uniform, complete with the pipe and dark glasses that he was famous for. When he arrived, Veronique began telling him about the property. After two minutes he interrupted her,"Buy it!" He saluted, got back in the car, folded his arms and ordered the driver to move on. Later the former Berkley student said," How refreshing to have the General's decision making ability, Greg Peck would have dithered around for days."

Method actress Kim Hunter was shocked when she saw her chimp make-up in the mirror for the first time while playing Dr. Zira in Planet Of The Apes (1968). She actually started crying. "Oh my God. I'm not Kim anymore. I'm an ape." After she calmed down she turned in a great performance. The star of the film Charlton Heston attended the Planet Of The Apes premiere with his wife Lydia. Rare for a Hollywood leading man, Heston's marriage has lasted over fifty years without a hint of an extramarital affair. A strange woman came running up to him. "Chuck, how are you? Nice to see you." She began hugging him and kissing him. "Hey, get off me lady," said Heston giving Lydia a bewildered look. Of course, it was Kim Hunter who Charlton had never seen outside her ape costume.

Heston and Hunter's Apes co-star Roddy McDowall kept his humor throughout the make-up ordeal. He loved driving down the 405 freeway in his full ape costume waving at the other cars while stuck in traffic. Roddy also had fun at the expense of his old friend and Camelot co-star Julie Andrews. Miss Andrews was working on the Twentieth Century Fox lot, near where workmen were building the Ape City. One day she was in her dressing room, agitatedly smoking a cigarette talking to her analyst on the phone. "My God these people here. I don't know who to trust. They're all trying to backstab me. Don't tell me I'm paranoid! My God there's a giant ape coming through my window!"

Selasa, 16 Februari 2010

Celebrity Impersonators Tribute Shows Will Wow You

Phew, that is one heck of a mind blowing performance by the artist on stage – Whitney Houston, the vocalist without par. The exhilarating tempo and the foot thumping music assault your senses and you are swept away on a sea of musical sensation. Even before you can recover from the experience, Elton John takes the stage and you’re in for another enthralling performance. Next on stage is Madonna, and the musical juggernaut is well and truly on its way. This is not some wild dream but everyone’s favorite fantasy come true albeit with a minor aberration – the performers on stage aren’t the real thing but lookalike tribute artists.

Welcome to the quintessential Celebrity Impersonator Tribute Show – the new age musical extravaganza designed by entertainment companies to grab the maximum eyeballs. Where else can a music lover catch so many top notch superstars performing under a single roof. You have long dead legends like Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, John Lennon etc. come alive on stage again just for you. The sensations of the 70’s and 80’s such as Tina Turner, George Michael, Michael Jackson, and Cher find pride of place along with contemporary musicians like Justin Timber Lake and Christina Aguilera. A celebrity impersonator tribute show is great value for money. In fact it’s the closest anyone can get to seeing these legends perform without seeing the original star.

These tribute shows are performed by the best tribute artists in the business. They are song and dance extravaganzas captivating the audience with their glitz and glamour. The audience is caught up in a vortex of pure feeling and greedily laps up the sensory overload being dished out to it.

You can expect superlative performances by the artists at any of the tribute shows. That is what sets these shows apart from other run of the mill performances. The tribute artists put their heart and soul into every performance and if you close your eyes to listen you might even think you’re listening to the original star sing. Yes, they are that good. Dazzling costumes and flashing lights add chutzpah to the whole show.

In single artist tribute show, it is the tribute artist who takes home all the accolades for a successful show. But in a celebrity impersonators tribute show, the credit also goes to the band and musicians who provide excellent backup to the singer. The lead band members have to adjust their music to the different styles and genres of the performing artists which is not a mean feat to achieve. It can be safely said that the success of the evening depends equally on the tribute artists as well as on the accompanying band. Tight choreography and snazzy dance moves by the back up dancers add the proverbial icing on the cake.

When you tie in all the elements of the show with the varying styles of the superstars being impersonated, you get a power-packed package that is spectacular to say the least. A celebrity impersonators tribute show gives you more bang in for every buck!

Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010

Car Loans UK

There are several factors that should be analyzed in detail before taking any kind of decision regarding considering a car loan. If individual needs to buy a new car from the market, a reliable one, and then the individual should inquire about all the minute details regarding the car, the benefits he is supposed to enjoy after buying a new car. Buying new car also decreases the hassle of dealing with the existing or the previous owner. But for all these enticing benefits, the individual has to pay a huge lump-sum for buying the new car. And coming of the car loans UK in the money market, individuals find it easy to be financed.

For taking car loans UK, the past records of the credits of individuals are checked. People with a strong credit background need not pay much as interest for their car loans UK, but for the people with weak or bad credit background need to pay higher auto loans interest rates. The credit scores are also the determining factor for deciding on any car loan that is to be considered.

Always individual should negotiate the price before you reveal that you are thinking about dealer car loan UK financing. If they know ahead of time that you plan to finance, they frequently try to confuse the issue by giving you a lower rate on a higher price or a lower price at a higher finance rate.

Also, it is very important to investigate other sources for a car loans UK before the final signatures on the finance papers. Investigate you financing options and find out from banks or credit unions, if they have any special deal right now.

Applying online just takes a matter of minutes to complete. You will need your personal information, employment history, and loan amount desired. A smart idea is to apply for a slightly higher amount than one expects to over any licensing fees or other costs. After submitting your information online, the application is reviewed. And, borrowers avail the required sum within some days.

Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

The Jeep Hurricane

Earthquake Chicago |Illinois Earthquake In Chicago - The Jeep Hurricane is a concept vehicle unveiled by Daimler-Chrysler at the 2005 North American International Auto Show. It opened with and continues to receive rave reviews! So many in fact that it was rumored that Daimler-Chrysler was considering a limited production run of the vehicle. Those rumors have died down, but the Hurricane continues to draw the interest and attention of 4x4 afficianados, and hey, why not?

Earthquake Chicago - As Daimler-Chrysler has said: “Jeep Hurricane is simply the most maneuverable, most capable and most powerful 4x4 ever built," said Trevor Creed, Senior Vice President - Chrysler Group Design. "It pays homage to the extreme enthusiasts' Jeep vehicles in form and off-road capability, but is a unique interpretation of Jeep design. Simply stated, it is the extreme example for the Jeep brand."

Why build such a vehicle? The Hurricane broadly successfully and dramatically illustrates Daimler-Chrysler’s ingenuity, technical ability and wherewithal. Still, the Hurricane does have practical applications out in the real world. As a Daimler-Chrysler spokesman put it, "Out in the wilderness, changing direction in minimal space can mean the difference between an afternoon of adventure and a distress call back to the trailhead…..The multi-mode four-wheel steering system on Jeep Hurricane is designed to offer enthusiasts the next level of performance and unexpected maneuverability." It’s not hard to imagine that we’ll eventually see a military vehicle built off of this original design.

The Hurricane possesses an extremely powerful power system with not one but two 5.7-liter HEMI engines, one in the front and one in the back. Both engines deliver an impressive 335 horses for a total of 670 hp. The Hurricane set-up uses the Chrysler Group’s Multi-Displacement System which allows it to run on 4, 8, 12 or all 16 cylinders enabling it to adjust for speed, power and torque giving the driver ultimate power train control. The Hurricane is responsive and can go from 0 to 60 in less than five seconds!

The power is transferred through a central transfer case with split axles and has a mechanically controlled four-wheel torque distribution system. The suspensions, both front and rear, are short/long arm independent with 20 inches of travel, featuring coilover shocks with remote reservoirs.

One of the most impressive features of the Hurricane is its zero turning radius, which enables the vehicle to turn virtually in a circle in place! This is all thanks to a skid steer capability and toe steer, which is the ability to turn both front and rear tires inward. The Jeep concept vehicle has two types of 4-wheel steering: the traditional method with the rear tires turning opposite of the front wheels and an innovative one in which all four wheels turn in the same direction. This actually allows the Jeep Hurricane to move sideways without changing where it is pointing.

Topping off all of this is the Hurricane’s fantastic ground clearance of 14.3 inches and impressive approach-departure angles of 64.0 and 86.7 degrees. It really is a go anywhere do anything vehicle.

The Hurricane also features an innovative way to combine body, power-train and suspension. The suspension along with the power-train is mounted directly to the one-piece carbon fiber reinforced body, eliminating the weight and need for a frame. The vehicles belly is protected and connected by an aluminum spine, which acts as a huge skid plate mechanism. This is a lightweight and structurally strong set-up.

The general public wasn;t the only ones who loved what they saw. The Jeep Hurricane won Autoweek’s “Most Fun” Concept award at the 2005 North American International Auto Show. As we noted earlier there were rumors that Daimler-Chrysler was toying with the idea of a limited production, but those rumors have died down amid the company’s statement that this was indeed a concept vehicle and that’s all (at least for now). Kids, however, will be able to enjoy the Hurricane as Fisher-Price has introduced an all-new Jeep Hurricane toy.

Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

The Latest Mobile Phones

Blackberry Gemini - Even as recently as the mid 1990’s the majority of people seemed to function just fine without owning a mobile phone. The world continued to turn, people kept up with one another and generally nobody gave a second thought to being contactable 24-7 wherever you happened to be.

Blackberry - How things change. A decade on and on-demand communication is everywhere and living without a mobile phone is literally inconceivable. How did we manage to cope without them? Now everyone has one from kids in primary school to grandparents. Mobile phones have turned into an everyday item akin to a wallet or watch within the space of a decade and furthermore they have become a fashion icon.

As well as the phenomenal growth of mobile phone usage they have rapidly become a cultural article, its’ attributes extending beyond the functionality of a communication device but also to the slightly more intangible fashion accessory. Like all fashions, phones change and great emphasis can be placed on having the ‘right’ or the latest mobile phone. But in an ever changing and fast moving marketplace it can be difficult to keep up with the latest mobile phone developments.

Camera functionality, Bluetooth and MP3 support have all become embedded features of mobile phone functionality. Keeping up with the Jones’ seems to be increasingly important in modern life and the mobile phone market is no different. But with phone contracts renewing only once a year how easy is it for consumers to keep up to date with handset trends to make sure that they have the latest phone?

If you are determined to keep up with the trends the web offers a suitable forum to research and choose your next phone. Reseller sites such as Dial-a-Phone specialise in offering the latest mobile phone handset and a brief browse around such sites allow you to research and select the functions and styles of handset that you want – even if your network provider seems unwilling to provide this. Similarly online forum and review sites offer an insight into the pluses and minuses of the latest mobiles from a user perspective. Comparison shopping is one of the web’s strong points and for a market which is rapidly evolving offers the consumer a place to research and keep up to date with the latest phone developments.

With the latest mobile phones seemingly becoming old hat within three months the notion of a mobile phone as a fashion accessory becomes problematic for the individual. While you may be mocked by friends for your out of date handset you can find some comfort in the knowledge that their gleaming new handset will soon be redundant itself, superseded instead by the latest mobile phone with increased functionality and enhanced aesthetics.

Jumat, 29 Januari 2010

Bintang Film Hantu Puncak Yang Senang Tampil Setengah Telanjang

Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan yang menampilkan kebugilan serta kepolosan Andi Soraya, Andi soraya bintang setengah bugil serta hot dan sering hampir telanjangmilik Indonesia Memang Andi Soraya sebagai bintang filn yang sudah tidak punya urat malu lagi, salah satu bintang film kita yang tak punya rasa malu dan sering menampilkan aurat mereka.

Sinopsis Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan yang bisa kita baca, bisa menjadi sebuah gambaran bagaimana FilmHantu Puncak Datang Bulan ini sesungguhnya. Kita bisa melihat serta membacanya. Kepolosan serta kesintalan dan kemolekan dan kemontokan Andi Soraya bisa kita lihat dalam foto - foto seksi Andi Soraya.

Andi Soraya Foto Hot Panas Seksi yang ada di dunia maya ini sangat banyak sekali. Hal itu menggambarkankepada kita tentang siapa Andi Soraya itu. Dia adalah salah satu bintangpanas Indonesia, diantara bintang - bintang panas lainnya yang betebaran serta bermunculan bagai jamur di musim hujan.

Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

Cats Dogs And Human Food

Rin Sakuragi - We’re all guilty of it – giving in to those big begging eyes pleading at us for a scrap from the table during dinner. Fido knows just how to get you to concede, and most of us justify that a little won’t hurt, or we don’t even think of the potential danger at all. But the truth is that human food can be harmful to your pet, and in some cases, can be fatal. It’s important to know how certain foods can be unsafe so that you can avoid them for the sake of your animal.

Here is how a few of some of the most common “human foods” become harmful for pets:

Chocolate and other foods containing caffeine

Caffeine is one of the greatest culprits because it contains an alkaloid called theobromine. Theobromine acts as a cardiac stimulant and a diuretic, which in turn can cause a heart attack or other heart and nervous system problems in animals.

Onions and Garlic

Onions and garlic are potentially harmful due to the fact that both contain thiosulphate, which can damage red blood cells and cause anemia in cats and dogs. Of the two, onions are the most toxic, as consumption of simply one serving by your pet could result in anemia.


Milk can harm your pet due to the fact that many dogs and cats tend to be lactose intolerant. The consumption of milk and milk products by a lactose intolerant pet creates a breeding ground for bacteria, causing vomiting and diarrhea.


Bones, although commonly known as a great treat for your dog, are potentially very dangerous for pets. Once eaten, bones can splinter and get stuck in the intestines, causing damage or fatality. In most splinter cases, the bones must be removed surgically.

Other Foods

Other human foods to avoid when feeding your pet are: macadamia nuts, potato peelings and green-looking potatoes, rhubarb leaves, moldy/spoiled foods, alcohol, yeast dough, tomato leaves and stems, broccoli, and raisins or grapes.

Some human foods potentially cause only mild digestive upsets, while others can be fatal. Regardless of the level of danger, the best choice for your pet is to keep him from any potentially harmful foods in order to ensure his health and safety.

During the holiday season, veterinary clinics have noticed a rising in the number of pets that they treat for food-related illnesses. The increase in pet illness is due to the fact that animals are partaking in human foods during mealtime. Although not well known by the public, the consumption of human food to pets is potentially harmful to animals, and in some instances, can be fatal.

The rise in food-related illnesses by pets is a clear indication that the dangers of human food consumption by animals are not understood by the masses.

So, the next time your pet looks up at you with those pleading eyes, show him you care by doing what is truly best for him and feeding him only products meant for pet consumption. In the end, both you and your pet will be glad that you did.

Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

Drink Cranberry Juice and be Healthy

Obat Perangsang Wanita, There are several health benefits of Cranberry juice, as it clears up the digestive tract and inspires the bowel movement. It is also advantageous for the shedding up of the fats that are accumulated in the abdomen. Sometimes, Cranberry juice is also used to cure the Urinary Tract Infection. This best juice is also as the best nutrition for the weight loss and the detoxification. It is very much beneficial for the human body but sometimes some side effects can also be faced like headache, nausea, and allergies.

Cranberry Juice is a natural remedy that produces hippuric acid inside the urine which acidifies the urine and prevents sticking of bacterium on the bladder walls. It also prevents multiplication of cells in our body, which is responsible for the development of blood cancer disease and also stops the rapid growth of tumors inside our body. It is a naturally healthy drink that can be used for improving the immune system and the other medical purposes specially for the treatment of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI).

Heavy intake of cranberry juice is not exactly beneficial for the health and one should better avoid the highly sugared cranberry “cocktails”. Too much consumption of Cranberry Juice such as to the extent of three to four liters per day may even increase the possibility to develop diarrhea. The correct volume for the intake of cranberry juice is prescribed by the dieticians as about one capsule of a concentrated cranberry juice extract (400mg), two to four times in a day or one can take two to three large (16oz.) glasses of it.

Cranberry Juice also strengthens the bones, and routine intake of this juice helps to protect against stomach diseases like stones and ulcers etc. This juice also reduces the risk of osteoporosis among individuals as it is very rich in calcium content.

Decreasing the level of bad cholesterol in the body and increasing the concentration of good cholesterol is mostly done by the Cranberry juice, which proves to be quite beneficial. Therefore, it’s very helpful in maintaining the healthy and systematic functioning of all organs of the body and it also make the flow of the blood accurately. This healthy juice is also capable for curing cold infections and cough.

Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

Mental Preparation for Peak Performance

Ramalan Bintang, Depending on whom you talk with, whether they be a coach, player, sports agent, or parent, you will hear that the mental component of sport performance ranges from having as little as 10% significance to as great as 90% of the performance curve.

Measuring success is a difficult task because achieving exactness in performance is quite challenging. However, if even the smallest percentage of one's performance can be attributed to mental preparation one would think an athlete might consider implementing a mental game strategy to achieve that extra performance edge.

There are a number of techniques an athlete has at their disposal to strengthen the mental aspects of their performance. This article will introduce two of the more popular methodologies for improving one's mental game. The best technique is the one that helps the athlete achieve the performance levels they aspire to. Should you require any further information or wish to learn more about how to implement any one of these strategies, please email me at john@protexsports.com.

=== Imagery ===

Imagery in sport is essentially the re-creation of an experience that resembles the actual physical experience without actually performing the physical execution of the skill. The re-creation and sensory feeling of skill execution can be accomplished through verbal rehearsal (repeating out loud the individual task elements associated with execution of a skill), or by creating vivid sensory specific images of each element or step associated with execution of the skill.

For example, in the overt execution of a skill the muscles receive sensations associated with the actions related to task execution. However through imagery, all sensations experienced by the physical act of performing are actually recreated in a “frame of reference” by using the senses to re-live the experience. Everything is executed in a passive way by imagining or visualizing the actual performance as if it were actually happening.

By recreating the experience in the mind’s eye the athlete can actually experience the same feeling as if the overt execution were truly happening. Research suggests that mental rehearsal actually helps athletes prepare for competition almost as equally well as executing the physical skill.

=== Arousal Management ===

An athlete’s arousal (excitement) level has a direct impact on their performance. Research has shown that performance does increase as arousal increases up to a certain point, then performance begins to decrease somewhat dramatically. If arousal levels are too low consequently motivation and desire may not be optimal to support a quality performance effort. On the other hand, if arousal levels are too high it is likely the athlete will make mistakes and errors and once again not achieve the optimal levels of performance.

Each athlete will require a specific level of arousal level to maximize their performance. For example, a baseball batter will require lower levels of arousal to perform the skills necessary to execute on hitting the pitch. They should have very low anxiety levels when they step into the batter’s box. The hitter should have high levels of confidence and trust in their skills, with a narrow range of focus for successful execution to occur. Higher levels of arousal will cause the hitter to make decisions about pitches they would not otherwise make. On the other hand a basketball point guard on offense will need a higher level of arousal, as the situation requires them to be more active, yet they still must be able to run the desired offense effectively. Arousal levels will increase even more when the basketball players is asked to play defense.

Higher than optimal arousal levels for a particular skill may cause the athlete to become too anxious and begin to worry too much about the results rather than focus on the required task. As anxiety increase so does muscle tenseness and therefore physical and mental flexibility becomes hindered. Precision movements require flexibility as well as unconscious and automatic thoughts about play action. A point guard forcing a pass to the post under the basket might happen if arousal levels are too high. A baseball hitter might swing at a pitch out of the strike zone if anxiety to perform gets in the way of execution. If each of these athletes exhibit below normal arousal levels, they may lack the energy to perform a task. Specific techniques that can help an athlete be in control of arousal levels are:

• The use of a pre-execution routine to center and focus energy on the task.
• The use of breathing techniques to reduce stress and anxiety.
• The use of positive self talk in support of previous success.

=== Conclusion ===

Success comes from repetitive task achievement. Task achievement comes from having a focused and committed practice plan. The best practice plan incorporates mental preparation techniques supporting arousal control strategies as discussed above. A well rounded practice plan coupled with appropriate coaching and immediate constructive feedback will indeed build confidence and improved performance.

Just like technical skill mastery, mental skill mastery is achieved one small skill at a time. Create, implement, and practice one skill per day or per week until confidence or mastery has been achieved.

Your job as a coach is to guide your players through refinements in the exercises for mastering both the mechanical/technical, as well as the mental aspects of performance.