Rakta Charitra 2 Movie Online - Narnia-The third film had triumphed at the box office last weekend, although the film should start with a weaker position compared with other film debut, The Tourist, starring Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie.
Rakta Charitra 2 - Fox's adventure-fantasy film, the Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn, an estimated 24.1 million U.S. dollars pocketed from the sale of tickets in theaters in Canada and the United States during the three day weekend. The movie is just pocketed 8.2 million dollars during the premiere on 6,500 screens in 3555 locations, the sluggish performance compared to the movies Sony / Columbia The Tourist - which earned 6.1 million dollars in 3400 as many screens in 2756 locations.
Nevertheless, because of the news by word of mouth, the last Narnia movie shows continued strong performance and eventually rose to the top of the box office.
Narnia is the latest adaptation of CS Lewis's epic fantasy series and is the first movie, released in 3D - in digital 3D and 3D Real format. The film tells the story of how two young Pevensies and their cousin Eustace Scrubb join the King of Narnia, a new, Caspian, in an effort to rescue the seven kings who lost to save Narnia from the evil that inhabited the island corrupt dark.
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