Jumat, 29 Januari 2010

Bintang Film Hantu Puncak Yang Senang Tampil Setengah Telanjang

Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan yang menampilkan kebugilan serta kepolosan Andi Soraya, Andi soraya bintang setengah bugil serta hot dan sering hampir telanjangmilik Indonesia Memang Andi Soraya sebagai bintang filn yang sudah tidak punya urat malu lagi, salah satu bintang film kita yang tak punya rasa malu dan sering menampilkan aurat mereka.

Sinopsis Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan yang bisa kita baca, bisa menjadi sebuah gambaran bagaimana FilmHantu Puncak Datang Bulan ini sesungguhnya. Kita bisa melihat serta membacanya. Kepolosan serta kesintalan dan kemolekan dan kemontokan Andi Soraya bisa kita lihat dalam foto - foto seksi Andi Soraya.

Andi Soraya Foto Hot Panas Seksi yang ada di dunia maya ini sangat banyak sekali. Hal itu menggambarkankepada kita tentang siapa Andi Soraya itu. Dia adalah salah satu bintangpanas Indonesia, diantara bintang - bintang panas lainnya yang betebaran serta bermunculan bagai jamur di musim hujan.

Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

Cats Dogs And Human Food

Rin Sakuragi - We’re all guilty of it – giving in to those big begging eyes pleading at us for a scrap from the table during dinner. Fido knows just how to get you to concede, and most of us justify that a little won’t hurt, or we don’t even think of the potential danger at all. But the truth is that human food can be harmful to your pet, and in some cases, can be fatal. It’s important to know how certain foods can be unsafe so that you can avoid them for the sake of your animal.

Here is how a few of some of the most common “human foods” become harmful for pets:

Chocolate and other foods containing caffeine

Caffeine is one of the greatest culprits because it contains an alkaloid called theobromine. Theobromine acts as a cardiac stimulant and a diuretic, which in turn can cause a heart attack or other heart and nervous system problems in animals.

Onions and Garlic

Onions and garlic are potentially harmful due to the fact that both contain thiosulphate, which can damage red blood cells and cause anemia in cats and dogs. Of the two, onions are the most toxic, as consumption of simply one serving by your pet could result in anemia.


Milk can harm your pet due to the fact that many dogs and cats tend to be lactose intolerant. The consumption of milk and milk products by a lactose intolerant pet creates a breeding ground for bacteria, causing vomiting and diarrhea.


Bones, although commonly known as a great treat for your dog, are potentially very dangerous for pets. Once eaten, bones can splinter and get stuck in the intestines, causing damage or fatality. In most splinter cases, the bones must be removed surgically.

Other Foods

Other human foods to avoid when feeding your pet are: macadamia nuts, potato peelings and green-looking potatoes, rhubarb leaves, moldy/spoiled foods, alcohol, yeast dough, tomato leaves and stems, broccoli, and raisins or grapes.

Some human foods potentially cause only mild digestive upsets, while others can be fatal. Regardless of the level of danger, the best choice for your pet is to keep him from any potentially harmful foods in order to ensure his health and safety.

During the holiday season, veterinary clinics have noticed a rising in the number of pets that they treat for food-related illnesses. The increase in pet illness is due to the fact that animals are partaking in human foods during mealtime. Although not well known by the public, the consumption of human food to pets is potentially harmful to animals, and in some instances, can be fatal.

The rise in food-related illnesses by pets is a clear indication that the dangers of human food consumption by animals are not understood by the masses.

So, the next time your pet looks up at you with those pleading eyes, show him you care by doing what is truly best for him and feeding him only products meant for pet consumption. In the end, both you and your pet will be glad that you did.

Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

Drink Cranberry Juice and be Healthy

Obat Perangsang Wanita, There are several health benefits of Cranberry juice, as it clears up the digestive tract and inspires the bowel movement. It is also advantageous for the shedding up of the fats that are accumulated in the abdomen. Sometimes, Cranberry juice is also used to cure the Urinary Tract Infection. This best juice is also as the best nutrition for the weight loss and the detoxification. It is very much beneficial for the human body but sometimes some side effects can also be faced like headache, nausea, and allergies.

Cranberry Juice is a natural remedy that produces hippuric acid inside the urine which acidifies the urine and prevents sticking of bacterium on the bladder walls. It also prevents multiplication of cells in our body, which is responsible for the development of blood cancer disease and also stops the rapid growth of tumors inside our body. It is a naturally healthy drink that can be used for improving the immune system and the other medical purposes specially for the treatment of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI).

Heavy intake of cranberry juice is not exactly beneficial for the health and one should better avoid the highly sugared cranberry “cocktails”. Too much consumption of Cranberry Juice such as to the extent of three to four liters per day may even increase the possibility to develop diarrhea. The correct volume for the intake of cranberry juice is prescribed by the dieticians as about one capsule of a concentrated cranberry juice extract (400mg), two to four times in a day or one can take two to three large (16oz.) glasses of it.

Cranberry Juice also strengthens the bones, and routine intake of this juice helps to protect against stomach diseases like stones and ulcers etc. This juice also reduces the risk of osteoporosis among individuals as it is very rich in calcium content.

Decreasing the level of bad cholesterol in the body and increasing the concentration of good cholesterol is mostly done by the Cranberry juice, which proves to be quite beneficial. Therefore, it’s very helpful in maintaining the healthy and systematic functioning of all organs of the body and it also make the flow of the blood accurately. This healthy juice is also capable for curing cold infections and cough.

Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

Mental Preparation for Peak Performance

Ramalan Bintang, Depending on whom you talk with, whether they be a coach, player, sports agent, or parent, you will hear that the mental component of sport performance ranges from having as little as 10% significance to as great as 90% of the performance curve.

Measuring success is a difficult task because achieving exactness in performance is quite challenging. However, if even the smallest percentage of one's performance can be attributed to mental preparation one would think an athlete might consider implementing a mental game strategy to achieve that extra performance edge.

There are a number of techniques an athlete has at their disposal to strengthen the mental aspects of their performance. This article will introduce two of the more popular methodologies for improving one's mental game. The best technique is the one that helps the athlete achieve the performance levels they aspire to. Should you require any further information or wish to learn more about how to implement any one of these strategies, please email me at john@protexsports.com.

=== Imagery ===

Imagery in sport is essentially the re-creation of an experience that resembles the actual physical experience without actually performing the physical execution of the skill. The re-creation and sensory feeling of skill execution can be accomplished through verbal rehearsal (repeating out loud the individual task elements associated with execution of a skill), or by creating vivid sensory specific images of each element or step associated with execution of the skill.

For example, in the overt execution of a skill the muscles receive sensations associated with the actions related to task execution. However through imagery, all sensations experienced by the physical act of performing are actually recreated in a “frame of reference” by using the senses to re-live the experience. Everything is executed in a passive way by imagining or visualizing the actual performance as if it were actually happening.

By recreating the experience in the mind’s eye the athlete can actually experience the same feeling as if the overt execution were truly happening. Research suggests that mental rehearsal actually helps athletes prepare for competition almost as equally well as executing the physical skill.

=== Arousal Management ===

An athlete’s arousal (excitement) level has a direct impact on their performance. Research has shown that performance does increase as arousal increases up to a certain point, then performance begins to decrease somewhat dramatically. If arousal levels are too low consequently motivation and desire may not be optimal to support a quality performance effort. On the other hand, if arousal levels are too high it is likely the athlete will make mistakes and errors and once again not achieve the optimal levels of performance.

Each athlete will require a specific level of arousal level to maximize their performance. For example, a baseball batter will require lower levels of arousal to perform the skills necessary to execute on hitting the pitch. They should have very low anxiety levels when they step into the batter’s box. The hitter should have high levels of confidence and trust in their skills, with a narrow range of focus for successful execution to occur. Higher levels of arousal will cause the hitter to make decisions about pitches they would not otherwise make. On the other hand a basketball point guard on offense will need a higher level of arousal, as the situation requires them to be more active, yet they still must be able to run the desired offense effectively. Arousal levels will increase even more when the basketball players is asked to play defense.

Higher than optimal arousal levels for a particular skill may cause the athlete to become too anxious and begin to worry too much about the results rather than focus on the required task. As anxiety increase so does muscle tenseness and therefore physical and mental flexibility becomes hindered. Precision movements require flexibility as well as unconscious and automatic thoughts about play action. A point guard forcing a pass to the post under the basket might happen if arousal levels are too high. A baseball hitter might swing at a pitch out of the strike zone if anxiety to perform gets in the way of execution. If each of these athletes exhibit below normal arousal levels, they may lack the energy to perform a task. Specific techniques that can help an athlete be in control of arousal levels are:

• The use of a pre-execution routine to center and focus energy on the task.
• The use of breathing techniques to reduce stress and anxiety.
• The use of positive self talk in support of previous success.

=== Conclusion ===

Success comes from repetitive task achievement. Task achievement comes from having a focused and committed practice plan. The best practice plan incorporates mental preparation techniques supporting arousal control strategies as discussed above. A well rounded practice plan coupled with appropriate coaching and immediate constructive feedback will indeed build confidence and improved performance.

Just like technical skill mastery, mental skill mastery is achieved one small skill at a time. Create, implement, and practice one skill per day or per week until confidence or mastery has been achieved.

Your job as a coach is to guide your players through refinements in the exercises for mastering both the mechanical/technical, as well as the mental aspects of performance.

Selasa, 12 Januari 2010

Dirjen Harus Bertanggung Jawab

Video Foto Sel Kamar Tahanan Mewah Artalyta, Dirjen Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Untung Sugiyono, juga Kepala Rumah Tahanan Pondok Bambu, Jakarta Timur, diminta tidak menutupi kejadian yang sebenarnya terjadi di dalam Rutan Khusus Wanita Kelas II A.

"Tidak boleh ada yang ditutup-tutupi. Semua harus dibuka dan dievaluasi," ujar anggota Komisi III DPR, Gayus Lumbuun, Senin (11/1/2010) malam, kepada para wartawan di DPR.

Sebelumnya, Untung mengatakan tidak ada yang salah mengenai fasilitas mewah yang terdapat di rutan. Fasilitas tersebut dapat digunakan semua penghuni rutan.

Gayus mengatakan, Komisi III akan menelusuri siapa yang paling bertanggung jawab dalam pemberian fasilitas mewah terhadap sejumlah narapidana tersebut. "Kami akan menggelar pertemuan khusus dengan Menteri Hukum dan HAM untuk membahas masalah ini," lanjut Gayus.

Kamis, 07 Januari 2010

R&B Music

Good Girls Go Bad Music Video, R&B music is huge and probably the most popular of all the music categories. Some would say that is because it covers so many sub categories of music. But, true music lovers will say it is because R&B captures people’s minds and bodies more than any other music. Rhythm and blues speaks to people more than any other music because it becomes part of the soul. Few people can listen to an R&B tune without clapping or singing along or breaking into dance. It affects almost everyone and if it doesn’t, you’re not breathing!

That infectious capability is the hallmark of R&B music. R&B was born out of the black experience in America. It quickly became the experience of everyone however as it gained popularity. The writers and artists were telling a story from their souls and they were seeking to get others to identify with their stories and feel and understand them. Of course, all the while they were having fun and taking a break from life. It certainly worked because R&B is not only popular in the US but all over the world. You would be hard pressed to find a place on earth that doesn’t know about or enjoy R&B music.

R&B music has meant different things over the decades for instance in the 1950 ‘ and 1960’s it was really more about soul music and the heavy gospel influences, in the ‘70’s it was more about funk and on into the 21st century it is really more about pop music. But, the one thing about R&B that remains timeless is its commitment to soul. No matter how you categorize R&B it has always had a discernible soul to it. An R&B song can bring back memories like no other type of music. A Marvin song or Smokey tune can bring back all sorts of pleasant thoughts and memories. Aretha Franklin’s powerful soulful voice has remained a stalwart fixture in R&B for close to six decades now.

R&B music is enduring too. A song made back in the ‘60’s is just as fresh today and will be found in any teenagers CD collection as well as their parents and grandparent’s! The cross generational appeal of R&B is better than any other music variety. It speaks to everyone and everyone listens. It is really cool when you think about the enduring legend of R&B and all of the other great musical varieties it has sparked. There are very few musicians in other categories who wouldn’t say their roots come from R&B. The masters of the last five decades have been the keystone for the artists of today. Modern R&B is chock full of older R&B influences. Rap and rock and roll are heavily influenced by R&B as it much of country music as well.

Tex Johnson runs the highly popular R&B and Rare Soul Grooves website featuring Soul Music TV. Want to watch FREE 24 hour Soul music Internet TV and receive 4 FREE Rare Soul CD Samplers? Then visit: http://www.raresoulgrooves.com/soul